I am a creator and destroyer of worlds – and so are you! (#3 in a series)

How We Construct Culture and Reality

In my previous posts (#1 in the series, #2 in the series), I stressed how important it is for us to develop a dynamic rather than a static view of culture. Today we will launch our boat on the river of culture and peer into its sometimes clear and often murky waters to come up with a better sense of what’s down there. We noticed last time how we are ever talking to ourselves. Everything we create is a result of this inner self-talk, this discourse, our listening. So the things that we call “culture,” in the broad sense of the word, arts, music, industry, all of these things are products of this the stories we tell ourselves, this dialogue that goes on within us and around us that helps us shape and break the rules by which we make and do things.

Blog 3.1

Dr. George Simons has long been researching the stories that make us who we are. In this series of blog posts he will be leading us in an examination of critical challenges that can lead us toward a fresh vision of culture. We will explore how we come to terms with our inner and shared identities and learn about how we construct the realities that shape our now and our future world.

I grew up in the USA. My father was a second-generation immigrant, which often meant trying to be “more American than the Americans” because it wasn’t okay to be “too immigrant.” My father would say to me again and again, “You can be anybody you want to. It’s up to you.” “You have to take charge of your life.” “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Such maxims and counsel that were repeated over and over again in my family, during my education, among my peers, in the groups I belonged to, became my outlook, my world, the culture that still flows in me.

Some things we don’t ever forget. When it rains, I still hear my mother’s voice, “Take your rubbers with you.” If you saw the film Outsourced about the manager expatriated to India, you no doubt had a good howl at his conversation with his workers about the meaning of “rubbers”. (If you missed it, have a look.) Rubbers, in my case, were neither erasers nor condoms, but rubber overshoes. I don’t have any now and I haven’t had any in years, but I can still hear my mother’s voice…

Cultural discourse takes the form of memories, stories in our heads and hearts that guide us about how to act, what to think. They shape our attitudes, provide our norms. They are the raw material of our culture. Even if, and especially if these pass into the background of our minds and we no longer explicitly hear them, the ideas and feelings contained in these memories still resonate with us and lead us on.

How do we construct a dynamic definition of culture?
My very favorite definition of culture doesn’t come from a textbook. It comes from a children’s book called Crow and Weasel by Barry Lopez. His is the most disarming definition of culture I’ve ever laid eyes on:

“The stories people tell have a way of taking care of them. So, if stories come to you, care for them, and learn to give them away where they are needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive. That’s why we put these stories in each other’s memory. This is how people care for themselves.”

Lopez furnishes us with a powerful, very powerful statement about how and why we create and pass on culture. Stories are told and retold in such a way as to shape us, giving us a common memory, common values and behavioral, even moral imperatives “for our own good.” Seeing culture this way, as adaptation to our environment, challenges our more static definitions.

Blog 3.2

Once upon a time, an anthropologist pitched tent in Borneo. Using an interpreter, he interviewed local people, looking for insight into the life and culture of the tribes native to the place. One day, questioning a local chieftain through the interpreter, the anthropologist couldn’t help noticing that the chieftain couldn’t take his eyes off a camp chair—you know, those seats with fold-up wooden frames. Nowadays, most have plastic or metal tubing, but a century ago they were simply canvas and wood. Finally, the anthropologist prompted the interpreter to ask about the chieftain’s fixation on the chair. The interpreter asked, “Why do you keep looking at the chair?” The chieftain replied quizzically, “Why do you stack your firewood that way?”

If you don’t have a use for something, you may not have a discourse for it. It may not even exist for you, or not exist in the way it exists for others. One of the critical tasks of living in a multicultural world is learning how to look at what we’ve never seen before, or have never seen in the fashion that is being presented to us. Things we’ve never “seen” before may not be physical artifacts. They may be feelings and perceptions. They may be opinions, judgments. They may even be colors – not every culture sees or names colors in the same way. We miss out on discourses that drive other people that would never drive us or might “drive us crazy!” These are not easy to discover, certainly not as obvious as puzzlement about a camping chair. Still, ask we must. We are embedded within a cultural discourse that we treat as real, but that is created by, as well as limited to what our own stories have to tell us. 

Blog 3.3Who creates?
In our times, realities, different from and deadly to each other, run rampant. Like it or not, we are challenged to understand our culture, other people’s culture, become familiar with the discourse that drives our behavior, our creativity, and perhaps brings us together in new and different ways and allows us to peacefully cohabit the planet.

So we must ask, where do our realities, where does this culture come from? Well, since culture is a conversation, since it’s discourse, it’s coming from you and me! It’s coming from everybody within earshot, from every handheld device connected to ours. Discourse requires people. It’s going on all the time, and, whether we intentionally listen to it or not, it seduces us with its themes and memes.

Sometimes, probably more often than we think, we deliberately attempt to create realities for ourselves and others. We work on shaping a reality that serves our purposes through the stories we tell in social media, traditional media, conversations with others, as we rehearse and repeat these stories in our own heads. We are as much the creators of these discourses of culture as GM and Volkswagen are designers and manufacturers of automobiles. Like the family car, some discourses can be very helpful and humane. Other discourses can be quite ugly. Like a fast set of wheels, you can use your inner discourse to rob a bank or save somebody’s life by rushing them to the emergency ward.

Roger Peterson, a US academic, is quoted saying this—and I like it:

“The collective memory [the discourse that we share] is systematically unfaithful to the past in order to satisfy the needs of the present. In other words, we attempt to address the present by reconstructing the past as if it always existed in the way we now adopt it.”

Through the stories we tell ourselves we produce a discourse. This discourse is the dynamic way we collectively create the cultural constructs that put our diverse realities, our cultures together. These constructs may be the bearers of mythology, fictional imagination, or as we all know too well, political propaganda. People are competing with their stories to create the realities they want for themselves and for others. For the sake of consistency and credibility we try to present our new story as the true and eternal story.

Enter the discourse of new media
How are new media affecting, constructing this flow? It is probably too early to tell, but certainly not too early to pay attention. For sure, they are being used both in traditional and novel ways.  Certainly they have multiplied by a factor of Xx the sheer volume and range of participation within one generation. They can be the conveyors of the traditional discourse which we consider wisdom, discourses that certain of us would like to impart to the rest of us, philosophical and religious, or New Age ideals; at the same time they are also the tools of revolution and the conveyors of revolutionary values, often drawn from the same sources, but re-expressed and broadcast in nanoseconds in a volume that hitherto would have been deemed sorcery.

How do we sort out what is new and fresh from what is newly or freshly restated to fulfill a desire or to meet a contemporary challenge? The wish to “sort out” in some definitive way is perhaps a false aspiration, a question to which there is no answer, a cul-de-sac, whose alternative is ongoing reflection as an essential part of our reality construction process. In new media, as in any other media that we use to create reality by discourse, these fresh tools are appropriated to change and introduce the realities that its authors, consciously or unconsciously, wish to disseminate.

Blog 3.4We all know that the Internet allows us to create reality ex nihilo. Fake user names create “people,” as do avatars of “aliens.” We even build virtual worlds that allow people to accept a second and a third and perhaps an infinite number of lives and realities. If you can imagine it, say it, you can be it. Yea, “Ye are gods.” Like the Jehovah of Genesis, we say, “Let there be…” And behold, there it is! And, if we are the ones who said it, we are also likely to proclaim that it is good. Like Shiva of old, I am the creator and destroyer of worlds – and so are you!

Charlatans, con men, name changers, shapeshifters and princes donning pauper’s clothing are not new to our human story. But the possibility and the temptation to creation on a quasi-divine level, and the consequences for doing so have never been so available and up for grabs. Even so, we like to imagine the world as somehow stable and static, at least in our desire to create something solid and lasting, even or perhaps especially in a virtual environment. Our human minds and hearts, even in intangible media, are inclined to treat our creations, our culture as real, not constructed.

John Lennon, a great interculturalist in my book, said “The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets.” The more you can get perspective on the discourse that flows around you, the better chance you have of seeing these things, not as useless or false, but for what they are, our attempts to construct things for benefit, for surviving and succeeding. We will look at this again as we seek a fresh cultural discourse to reshape our perspective. Meanwhile, how do you react to this fearful relativity of reality, or to the multiplicity of realities that new media have put at our disposal and which often invade our stability? What have you created as real for you? Are there real worlds, or only virtual ones…?

In Cultural Detective: Self Discovery® we offered some exercises to help you listen to your inner conversations and stories. These are only starting points. In this blog you will sometimes see pictures I have extracted from my past. This is not an exercise in nostalgia or ego promotion, but a suggestion that you might also explore the images and sounds of the past to bring the sources of your cultural discourse into focus.

This post originally appeared in the blog of the Center for Intercultural New Media Research and is provided with the assistance of its editor Anastacia Kurylo.

8 thoughts on “I am a creator and destroyer of worlds – and so are you! (#3 in a series)

  1. Dear George,
    as usual a great writing and a great post!
    I like very much the inner-stories and how they are part of each individuum. And here is the point I would like to make. What you describe in a lot of facettes is the description of a self development. When “culture” comes in, for me, always a group is involved and in the focus of the definition. The individuum as part of the group only. The complex relationship and connections between the inner-stories one person keeps in mind (or “uncounsciously chooses” to keep in mind?) and the shared “group stories” that is where culture reveals itself. For me.
    Your example of your father’s educationnal mantras (“You can be anybody you want to. It’s up to you.” etc.) are of course completely aligned with the cultural construct shared by members of the US-pioneer culture. (See BTW the victory speach of Obama after his last election. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddx8t6zGWxA. To my understanding, a wonderful dense résumé of shared values.)
    Back to you and your father: the “choice” your father did to share this specific educational mantras with you and the “choice” you did to keep these mantras as you inner-stories match together because of the cultural environment. Not because of personnal, individual reasons.
    We probably mean the same – with different way to put it? Or do we diverge here? 🙂


  2. Thanks for adding perspective to this, Isabelle, I definitely resonate with your concern about the interface between the group or community and the individual. At this point of contact, various discourses come into play with each other shaping both group and the individual.

    Your post reminds us to look carefully at the dynamics involved in this synchronous and asynchronous connection of group and individually. This is critically important to explore at a time when more and more people are growing up in more than one culture. Certainly those of immigrant families generations back as well as today’s immigrants and expats are where the rub in the exchange take place most identifiably,

    It is precisely this flexible exchange between the community and the individual that I am hoping that the concept of “flow” and the metaphor of the river or stream will illustrate, in a non-essentialist fashion, My intent is to invite us into a deeper exploration as to where the streams of discourse and culture come from and help us to inquire into what becomes deeply written into us and our communities, as well as how the flow of new and different discourse is comprehended, attached, reinterpreted or rejected.

    So, thanks again. I am really eager to hear how other people react to this approach, how they interpret it, and what critique as well as additions they may be able to provide.


  3. Hi George, this is most refreshing and makes the explanation on how we are constantly re-creating our individual and collective identity to suit some ideal, much closer to home. Thanks


  4. Thanks for the reprint, Dianne. Actually I will be doing a day long workshop at the SIETAR France congress this coming Friday in which we will work on identifying the cultural discourse that builds out identity narrative. Still space for more comers!


  5. Diane, will CD Self Discovery will be available online at any point?

    George, your series is a wonderful prerequisite and addendum to any intercultural work, and especially for the Self Discovery work. My huge audacious wish is that wanting to have an intercultural mindset will spread like wild fire and go viral. Thus, people will be highly motivated to do the hard work to get really good at it. (What do we want? World peace now!)

    I am a Korean adoptee who was adopted into a Chinese home in America at a young age. I struggled a lot with my identity. However, my challenge was not as deep as most of my counterparts who were adopted into white homes. Some of my Asian adoptee friends whose ages range from mid-40s to mid-60’s say they still feel white, even though the person staring back in the mirror says otherwise.

    My children are multiracial and polycultural, which is the fastest growing demographic in America. Because they were not fully accepted into any of their cultures/groups, they have had to explore and navigate their identities more than single-race individuals. While it definitely posed deeper challenges for them while growing up and trying to figure out where they fit in, I believe it was an advantage for them because now they have a strong sense of who they are, and don’t have the confines of having to conform to a particular group.

    I believe multiracial and polycultural individuals will help to further shift the national discourse. Sometimes, those of us who have had to be socially nimble and be quick on our feet (intercultural to the max), in order to adapt and survive our revolving doors of cultures, become excellent mediators/facilitators/bridge builders to calamitous intersections of different streams of discourse (confluence of dissonance).

    I’ve really enjoyed the series and hope there’s more to follow. Thank you George and Diane.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your kind comments. I will be doing a workshop this Friday at the SIETAR France Congress where I will apply these concepts to exploring one’s identity narratives. Will try to make some updated materials available as soon as I can.


    • We are working on getting CD Self Discovery into CD Online as we speak! The make-your-own-Values-Lens is working well on the test site, but we are still fine-tuning the usability. And, porting over to the real site always involves challenges, too. Sooooooo glad you share our “spread like wild fire” vision for intercultural competence! Let’s do it!


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