Endings and Opportunities

Since 2004 Cultural Detective has accomplished more in this world than I ever dreamed. We have an incredibly talented team of skilled professionals, and still the only tool/process that I know of proven using the IDI to develop intercultural competence. CD is used in so many different contexts: from governments and NGOs to universities and private enterprise, by religious and peace groups, international and multicultural education and even in marriage counseling. THANK YOU! You have loved this tool, you have put it to great effect, and we have thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

As principal I am ready for new ventures. CD is a lot of work, most of it virtual. I need other energy in my life. Greg, our COO, and I spent two years vetting organizations to find the best new home for Cultural Detective. And we did, we found a perfect new home for it. Then COVID hit. We decided that we will continue with our plans and, rather than turn CD over to new owners on January 1, 2022, we will be shutting it down.

However, you STILL HAVE SIX MONTHS to enjoy this remarkable tool! We have a special offer of US$39 for a subscription to everything contained in our CD Online system through the closing of our doors. Obviously, the sooner you subscribe, the longer you get for your money. For those of you with subscriptions, I urge you to log in and save your Personal Values Lenses, self-loaded Critical Incidents and Sample Debriefs, and all your Notes as PDFs. That way once we shut down you will still have all your content available.

Many thanks for the wonderful journey, and please keep up the good work in this world!!

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