3 Good Reasons For Boosting Your Cross-Cultural Leadership

Three more VERY important reasons you and your organization need to be using Cultural Detective. Now. It’s a very small investment with such major, multifaceted returns.


Why is cross-cultural leadership getting so much attention? Why is it important for today’s leaders to develop their cross-cultural effectiveness?

Let me tell you a story.  It starts on a hot summer day in 2001 when the managing director of a family-owned company – let’s call him Paul – arrived in Hong Kong, flanked by his best lawyers.

He had worked with a Chinese partner firm for more than 30 years, much to his satisfaction, and now he had the opportunity to buy 25 percent of its shares. ‘We should set up a joint venture’, his lawyers had advised him, and Paul had rubbed his hands together with delight.  He knew it was a brilliant business opportunity.

When he walked into the room where the joint venture talks were scheduled to take place, Paul frowned his eyes in disbelief.  He had brought five of his own legal staff and hired…

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About Dianne Hofner Saphiere

There are loads of talented people in this gorgeous world of ours. We all have a unique contribution to make, and if we collaborate, I am confident we have all the pieces we need to solve any problem we face. I have been an intercultural organizational effectiveness consultant since 1979, working primarily with for-profit multinational corporations. I lived and worked in Japan in the late 70s through the 80s, and currently live in and work from México, where with a wonderful partner we've raised a bicultural, global-minded son. I have worked with organizations and people from over 100 nations in my career. What's your story?

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