Intercultural Training Toolkit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams

icc toolkit
We are delighted to share the news of a newly published volume of collective knowledge from SIETAR Europa (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research): the Intercultural Training Toolkit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams.

“Inspired by many discussions in the SIETAR network, the idea of publishing a collection of SIETAR intercultural training tools came to light. …our intention was to create a consolidated resource of SIETAR members’ favourite and most effective tools and methodologies” according to the book’s editors. They continue:

“Every moment in a training setting is an opportunity for those in the room to reflect on and develop their own intercultural competencies. How we learn about navigating culture is shaped by our professions, travels, and personal interests. With this publication we want to support your learning environment by publishing selected go-to training activities from SIETARians for virtual or face-to-face teams that integrate modern technologies and emerging practice styles with materials and instructions.”

This practical, useful collection of 29 activities is organized into three sections:

  1. Opening and Warm-up Activities
  2. Feedback & Debriefing Activities
  3. Teambuilding Activities

Two of the Teambuilding Activities are authored by Dianne Hofner Saphiere and explore ways to effectively use Cultural Detective. The first provides step-by-step instructions on how to use stories and critical incidents to explore and bridge cultural differences,. The second focuses on developing and using Personal Values Lenses as a method of increasing cultural self-awareness, teaming and collaboration.

The Intercultural Training Toolkit is available as a very reasonably priced ebook via Amazon; hard copies are currently available via Books on Demand or in mainland Europe through national sites. We hope you will take the opportunity to check out this new collection of ready-to-use intercultural training activities.

Hansen, Elisabeth/Torkler, Ann-Kristin/Covarrubias Venegas, Barbara (eds.): Intercultural Training Tool Kit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams, SIETAR Europa Intercultural Book Series, 2018. 76 pages. ISBN 9783752810073.

2 thoughts on “Intercultural Training Toolkit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams

  1. Diane I read with great interest your article on the birding & seeing blue footed boobies’. Could you tell me the name of the tour company?
    Would appreciate it.
    Muchas gracias. Thanks,
    Marv Vader


    • Marv, I did not use a tour company. I usually just go down to the docks or out to the fishermen, and hire someone for a couple of hours. You can take boat tours. They leave either from the docks in Playa Sur, at the base of the lighthouse, or from the marina. If you stay in a hotel, your concierge can book. I hope this helps. If you do go out on a panga on a sunny, clear day, I’d love to join you. Can’t get enough of those boobies. I don’t think the sea lions are here right now, though.


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